#VMSearch つかいかた / #VMSearch User Manual

#VMSearch でできること

・Sound Voltex の新筐体 Valkyrie Model が稼働している日本国内及び各国の店舗情報が閲覧可能。













③旧筐体の稼働情報を表示する場合は、店舗リスト上部「Legacy cabs only List」のチェックボックスをオンにすると、公式リストなどから抽出された旧筐体のみ稼働の店舗の一覧が閲覧できる。このリストは日本、韓国、台湾、シンガポールエリアのみ対応。




情報投稿フォーム(日本語) https://forms.gle/fT7LNQaNfvdxvQwm8
情報投稿フォーム(英語) https://forms.gle/pVgCVnbxHHm6wn1s9







A.Googleマイマップのアプリの仕様上、ある拡大率にてスポットが消える不具合を確認しています。Googleマイマップ側の問題ですのでこちらからは修正が難しいです。表示が消えるだけですので、#VMSearch 側に消去が行われたり等はしておりませんのでご安心ください。多少操作感が異なりますがブラウザで開くとうまく表示されるかもしれません。


Twitter ハッシュタグ #vms_update にて更新情報を載せます。


EN Ver.

About this

Information on stores where Sound Voltex's new cab 'Valkyrie Model' is in operation can be viewed.
Using Google Spreadsheet, you can view the number of units, prices, discounts, and other information posted by users.
Using Google My Maps, you can view the spots of each store. The spreadsheet list and the map are synchronized, so information posted by users can also be viewed on My Map.
If you find different information posted, you can send it to us at any time using the special Google form. If the information you submit is not correct, you can always send it using the Google form.
If you need to make a minor correction, you can also send your information via Twitter DM.
At the time of posting this article (2021/07/24), 423 stores in 8 countries and regions are listed. Of these, more than 75% have user-submitted information.

How to use


1) Access the following URL

2) The "メインページ" tab for viewing store information, the "統計情報" tab for statistical information, the "閉店/撤去情報" tab for information on stores that have already been closed or removed, and the "Manual/Credit" tab for usage manuals and various links to Twitter and submission forms.


1) Access the following URL

2) Select a spot in each store to see the information posted by users.

3) If you want to see information on the operation of old cabs, check the "Legacy cabs only List" checkbox at the top of the store list to see a list of stores that only operate old cabs, extracted from the official list. This list is only available in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore.

4) iOS and Android smartphone users can open the list from the My Maps tab of the Google My Maps app. If you open it once with the same account, it will be displayed as a history.

Information submission form

If there is a discrepancy in the information in the list or map, you can submit a correction request using the form below.

Information Submission Form (Japanese) https://forms.gle/fT7LNQaNfvdxvQwm8
Information submission form (English) https://forms.gle/pVgCVnbxHHm6wn1s9

Questions and Answers

Q. The operation status and prices are different from the local information.
A. If it has been a long time since the last information was submitted, the number of units and prices may have changed. If the information is different, please send us the information using the submission form.

Q. There is no information on the store I want to visit.
A. Stores that have never been registered by users are left blank. If you have visited the store, please send us the information.

Q. I visited the store, but there was no new machine.
A. There is a possibility that the cab has been removed, so please let us know via Twitter. We will check the operation status of the official stores and correct the information.

Q. The information I posted is not yet available.
A. It may take a few days to a few weeks for the information to be reflected. Please be patient, as we are a private, one-man operation. Also, if the information is covered by other people, or if there are inappropriate parts in the information, we may not publish it.

Q. The information is different from what I submitted.
A. Although we are very careful about the information we post, there may be errors or omissions because we post the information manually. If you notice any, please let us know via Twitter.

Q. Spots are not displayed properly on the Google My Map smartphone application.
A. Due to the specifications of the Google My Map application, we have confirmed that spots disappear at a certain zoom rate. This is a problem with Google My Maps, so it is difficult to fix. The operation may be a little different, but if you open it with a browser, it may be displayed well. So you should try it.

Q. I want to know the contact information.
A. Please let us know on Twitter below. I'm on there quite often.

Contact Twitter https://twitter.com/VMS_sdvx

We will post updates on Twitter with the hashtag #vms_update.
Please follow us to stay updated.

